Monday, May 2, 2011


Quite a while ago, at least two years, a dear friend shared a short clip that showed her and some others singing a song a capella in a church. I loved it! I am not very familiar with contemporary Christian music - I do know "the Christian songs of old" much better -  so I didn't recognize it. Beside this, I was so "into" that song, that I forgot to ask my friend what kind of song it was.
Last year another friend showed me a totally different far-away-from-church song but a special part of the tune reminded me of that first said song.

Yesterday evening I played with my smart phone and the "tune-in" app that comes with all kinds of radio stations, local and internet and I clicked the category "religious" and picked one station without thinking about it. It was WGTS 91.9 FM. I listened to it all evening and started it right away when I got up this morning.

While I was taking a shower I couldn't hear the sound of the music that was still playing in my bedroom and so, suddenly this very tune that I had almost forgotten came back to my mind. I also remembered 3 words of what I thought must be the chorus.
When I got back to my room, the music was still on and I thought, well, this tune sounds familiar! I checked the RDS and exactly those 3 words I just had remembered were on there. VOICE OF TRUTH... if I had known it was from "Casting Crowns"...  I still can't believe, that it was playing on an internet radio station from the US right when I remembered it after such a long time!

I searched for it in youtube and found it - and reading the lyrics it was just getting better because it describes exactly how I felt during the last weeks!

Checking the song out more and more I realized that it is also soundtrack to one of my favorite movies, "Facing the Giants".

I love that song!!! With my Lord, I can face the giants and I don't care anymore if they are laughing back at me or not... for His Glory!


chr1sch said...

was du kennst casting crowns net?
die haben von allen die genialsten texte. besorg dir mal schnell die letzen 4 alben!! =P

Tina said...

casting crowns kenn ich schon, nur sehr wenige Lieder von denen, aber ich bin grad schwer auf Entdeckungsreise :D Danke für den Tipp!